1st New Longton Scouts Logo

Dragon Quest Rules

2023 Revision

All leaders should read these prior to the event.

Teams must be 4 to 7 Scouts, between the ages of 10 and 14.5. No more than 2 14 year olds allowed in any team.

Teams of less than 4 will have to retire or be combined with other teams.

Teams will be awarded points at each checkpoint for the following:

CriteriaPoint Value
Time Taken from the Last Checkpoint
(range shown on route card)
  • 20 points for arrival within the target leg time.
  • 15 points for arriving within 5 minutes of the target leg time.
  • 10 points for arriving within 10 minutes of the target leg time.
  • 5 points for arriving within 15 minutes of the target leg time.
Arriving Together10 points
Behaviour at Checkpoint
(polite, no litter etc)
10 points
Arrival from the Right Direction10 points
Explaining the Next Leg and Departing Correctly20 points
5 Minute Challenge30 points

These are guidelines, and may vary at some checkpoints but they will be the same for all teams.

Deductions of points will be made for teams significantly off the route or observed not following the Country Code.

All teams must carry a mobile phone for emergency use, with the contact number registered at the start. Mobile phones must only be used in an emergency and then to contact the event emergency numbers who will contact parents if necessary.

The use of GPS devices or digital maps are not allowed. Information from tracking devices will not be used to adjust scores.

The use of mobile phones during the competition (other than to request help) is not allowed. Any participant seen using a phone during the event may have points deducted from their team score.

No member of a team may leave the event without the permission of the event leaders. Scouts retiring from the event will be taken to the finish where they can be collected by parents at the end of the event.

Neckerchiefs are to be worn by all competitors (and ideally leaders and Young Leaders too).

Time Recording Cards must not be altered by competitors; lost cards will lead to lost points.

All teams must be properly equipped (see Kit List page) or will not be allowed to start, in particular, all competitors must wear walking boots which provide ankle support and must have a waterproof coat and overtrousers.

Sufficient food and drink must be carried for the day's walk, plus emergency rations. Emergency rations are to be sealed in a clear plastic bag.

A printable version is available here.