1st New Longton Scouts Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

How can my child join?

Your child can join the adventure here.

What is the youngest age my child can begin?

Squirrels is our youngest section, starting at age 4.

I am not sure if my child will like Scouting, can they come and try it?

We hope they will like it, but they are welcome to come and give it ago. To get in touch, visit the Join the Adventure page.

How much does it cost to be in Scouting?

It costs 10 pounds a month (most parents pay over standing order) and this covers all of evening activities unless the young people have asked us to do something particularly expensive as part of their programme e.g. gliding. Residential activities cost extra, but are very reasonably priced for what the young people receive.

Where can I get uniform from?

Online from the Scout Shop is a good source. Other shops are available, and may offer a better price.

Do you need adult volunteers?

Yes! We are in constant need of adults to support us in giving young people life-changing adventures. Whether you can give up 90 minutes a week to help support one of sections; support us with organising and maintaining equipment or would like to help us on camps we'd love to hear from you.